Stew of artichoke hearts

Artichoke is a typical vegetable of the Mediterranean. Allthough not locally grown in Northern Europe, vegetables like artichoke imported from other countries shouldn’t be dismissed as environmental unfriendly. It is more complex than that and depending on multiple factors like how the vegetable is  grown (in a gas heated greenhouse or in the open field). And how they are transported (via air the most polluting way) is often more crucial for CO2-emission than the distance travelled. Artichokes are available the whole year round, but they are in season from December to May. This simple and delicious stew brings out the delicate, slightly bitter taste that is so characteristic for artichokes. 


  • 4 artichokes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • Pink pepper (can be replaced by white pepper)
  • 2 tbsp White wine vinegar
  • Parsley, chopped
  • Il circolo extra vergine olive oil


  1. Clean the artichokes by removing the tough outer leaves, leaving only the heart with a little (2-3 cm) of the stem. Cut into slices and remove the choke. In a bowl cover the artichoke slices with water and lemon (or vinegar) to prevent them from turning black.
  2. Drain and place in a deep pan. Add 2 tbsp il circolo extra vergine olive oil and the garlic, cover with a lid and cook for approx. 15 mins. Test with a fork whether the artichoke is ready, it should feel soft and easy to cut through.
  3. When cooked add the white wine vinegar and let this evaporate. Don’t cook too long as it will dry out the artichokes.
  4. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  5. Serve with a drizzle of il circolo extra vergine olive oil and sprinkle with parsley.


  • If availabe buy baby artichokes. They are more tender and don’t need so much cleaning,
  • Instead of pepper you can use chili pepper and/or a few drops of il circolo chili oil to give this dish some heat.
  • If you are prefer a fresh zing  you should try sprinkling some drops of il circolo lemon oil on your dish.